Sass Queen (The Rainbow League Book 2) Page 6
Later that night
I yawned and opened my eyes. Moonlight streamed through a crack in the blinds, bathing the room in an effervescent hue. It was as beautiful as our connection.
I draped my finger across Luke’s shoulder and gently kissed his neck. "You're so fucking sexy," I whispered, nibbling his ear. Luke stirred in his sleep but didn't say anything. I peeled back the blanket and made my way to the kitchen.
I tip-toed out of the bedroom and opened the refrigerator door. I made a ham and cheese sandwich and sat smugly in the chair facing the window. The sandwich was delicious. I washed it down with a tall glass of wine and ice water. Then I closed my eyes, wanting to stay in this moment forever.
But someone suddenly entered the room.
It was my sexy bear man.
I giggled. ”Someone looks gorgeous in their checkered pajamas."
Luke rubbed his eyes. "Not as sexy as my favorite queen in the world sneaking off for a midnight snack."
I laughed and handed him my plate. "I still have a great selection of crust, if you're hungry."
"I'll pass on the food for now. But I was thinking maybe I could get a refill on the wine."
I beckoned him to the table and pulled out a chair. After refilling his glass, I kissed him.
"I don't think you know how fucking lucky I am to have found you."
Luke's cheeks turned bright red. "Oh honey," he said with a laugh. “You must know I feel the same."
"Drop your pajamas, Mitch,” he added a moment later. “I want to thank you for your gift."
My heart skipped a beat. "Seriously?"
"Damn right I am. I've never wanted to suck a dick so bad in my life."
I choked on laughter and slid out of my underwear. I let my pajamas crumple by my feet. Luke dropped to his knees and planted kisses on the inside of my thighs. Then, he stroked my rising cock and brought it to his lips.
"He's already hard," he murmured to himself, flicking his tongue along the tip. I giggled as Luke peeled back the foreskin and rubbed the tip along his lips. He took it in his mouth and swallowed the length, letting it glide down his throat. I thrust deeper into his mouth, struggling to find more warmth.
Suddenly, Luke removed my cock from his mouth and gently kissed my balls. He sucked my balls and planted angel kisses along my taint.
My thighs clenched together. "Luke," I gasped, searching for air. "If you don't take that out, I'm going to burst in your mouth."
Luke said nothing. He moaned and sucked my cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw he was rubbing himself in his pajama bottoms. It was enough to send me over the edge.
"Ohshit," I gasped, emptying myself in his throat.
Luke swallowed every drop. When he finished, he removed my cock and sucked the last from the tip. He pulled my pajamas up and tied the drawstring when he finished.
"Don't you want me to suck you?"
Luke grinned. "No need." He gestured to his soaked pajama bottoms. They were already wet.
"I expect Samuel's paperwork to be finished by five."
I rubbed my temples and tried to block out the voice of my supervisor. It wasn't like me to fall behind. But with the Friday night drag show coming up and the hockey tournament right around the corner, I was starting to let work slip through the cracks.
I didn't help that I'd banged the hottest bear – who also happened to be a bottom that liked femme tops – last night.
If only Samuel's weekly improvement chart wasn’t falling through the cracks.
This is why you can’t let yourself get carried away. The boys need you.
I gritted my teeth and grabbed Samuel's worksheet. It was part of my duty to map out a tentative schedule for all of our youth. In Samuel's case, this involved getting him ready for local drag events that’d be secret enough so his parents wouldn’t find out.
The first one was this Friday. I’d be taking him under my wing and giving him a taste of the drag queen life.
All week, he’d been experimenting with looks and outfits. On Wednesday, he'd been torn between a gorgeous pink satin dress or a crop top with sequins and a sexy little pair of booty shorts for his tight ass. This Friday, he’d be doing Christina Aguilera and I’d be Blake Shelton. We were pretending to be judges on The Voice, but we were doing the lip-synching.
Earlier this morning, Sam opted for the denim-sequin combo. He'd thrown together a stunning pink look with the James Charles pallet, topping it off with Jeffree Star eyeshadow that made his glittery irises pop. He was ready to rock it.
I filled out the rest of Samuel's schedule. Luckily, I did it just on time. Because a moment later, Samuel walked through the door, looking every bit the diva I pegged him to be.
I burst into laughter. ”Someone's ready to hit the runway.”
Samuel grinned. "You think so?" He gestured to his booty shorts and freshly shaved legs.
"Hell yes, queen. You're going to be the fiercest bitch this side of the Mississippi."
"Besides me, of course," I added matter-of-factly.
And Jacob, too. You know, the other drag queen in the Rainbow League. You're both fabulous, but little Samuel is definitely going to give you a run for your money.
Samuel burst into laughter. "Thank you so much, Mitch. You're making my dreams come true."
I smiled warmly. But Samuel crept up to my desk a second later, sat down in the chair across from me and sighed. "But you have to promise not to tell my parents. They’ll kick me out of the house."
“Jesus, Sam. You know damn well I’d never jeopardize your home life. This performance will stay at the Care Center, I promise."
"Thank you.” His eyes filled with tears.
I grinned. "Now let's give them the fiercest show they've ever seen."
Samuel burst into laughter. He waited patiently by the desk as I slipped into my outfit. I was wearing a dark blue dress and a denim jacket. I was the gayest Blake Shelton I'd ever seen. 10 minutes later, we were ready to go.
The lights dimmed as we hit the stage. A sea of students burst into applause.
This is it, Mitch. You’re completely in your element. Let's give them the best show ever.
I slipped through the makeshift curtain open and walked onto the makeshift stage we were using until Luke finished the official one. I motioned for Sam to follow suit. His eyes fluttered in the lights.
Oh shit. He has stage fright.
It was up to me to set the tone.
I grabbed the microphone. "What's up, bitches?"
The room burst into applause. “Who you supposed to be?” Shelly asked from the side. We’d orchestrated this beforehand to let everyone know who we were.
“I’m Blake Shelton and this is my side ho Gwen Stefani. Normally, we’re the baddest judges on TV. But tonight, we're going to give you the fiercest lip-synching you ever did see."
The LGBT youth burst into applause. In the audience, I spotted boys and girls in makeup, grinning wildly. In the back, a boy of no more than 13 began to scream, “We want Gwen and Blake!” He brought his freshly painted nails to his lips and bit them.
I nudged Sam's shoulder. "Give them all you got, girl.”
"I'm a little nervous,” Sam whispered, staring at the floor. “But I'm going to put on the best show of my life."
“Get ‘em, sister."
I motioned for Shelly to hit the play button. A moment later, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton’s famous duet began to play on the speakers. I opened my mouth and pretended to belt out the lyrics.
When we finished lip-synching, Sam and I were covered in sweat. My heart was pounding out of my chest.
I turned to Sam and placed my hands on his shoulder. "You did it, Sam. You're making your dream come true."
Sam wiped tears from his eyes. "I can't thank you enough. This is everything I’ve ever dreamt of."
"I'll see you Monday, Samuel. Don’t forget to finish your assignment for Ms. Richter’s class by 5.”
We hugged one last time, and Sam hurried to undress. I returned to my dressing room to get ready for practice. But a dark figure suddenly stopped me before I could enter.
"That," a voice said, "was incredible."
I turned to face the man. My heart melted into a giant puddle when I saw who it was.
"Oh my God. Please tell me you didn't just watch that horrible show."
"I didn't plan on it,” Luke said with a grin. “But your secretary told me I should watch to get a feel for the space."
"You didn't disappoint," Luke added with a wink.
I burst into laughter. "I'm so embarrassed. I've never done Gwen before.”
Luke laughed. “It was amazing, cutie. It makes every bit of what I'm doing here worth it just to see you shine."
My heart warmed. I stared into Luke's eyes. "And, pray tell," I began, licking my lips. "What exactly is it that you're doing here?"
Luke furrowed his brow. "I'm talking about the work on the stage."
I smiled. "Oh, okay. You mean the work my supervisor hired you to do?”
“Erm, not exactly.” Luke arched his eyebrows. “I wouldn’t say I was hired.”
Something shot across my gut. “Huh?”
Luke cleared his throat. “It’s more of a volunteer project. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too keen on doing it. But something in my life shifted, and I decided it was exactly the kind of project I needed. After seeing these kids, I'm so glad I took it on."
My jaw dropped. What the fuck?
Why hadn’t anyone told me he was doing this for free?
I stared at Mitch and waited for his response. My stomach started to sink. I couldn’t read his face at all. Why did he look so confused?
Oh my God. It's because he didn't know you were doing this for free.
My palms began to sweat. “Fuck, Mitch.” I tightened my grip on his waist. “I really don’t want this to come between us tonight. It’s really not a big deal. I have something planned tonight, and I’ll kick myself if I let this get in the way.”
Mitch took a deep breath and removed my hand from his waist. "Look," he said after a moment, taking a sharp breath. “I hate conversations like this. But I made a promise to myself – as well as to my best friend Denise – that I’d be as open and honest with you as I could. I’m a little upset I didn't know this. I know it's not your fault, but I can’t believe this fell through the cracks. This is the sweetest, kindest gesture ever, and I’m pissed as fuck I didn’t know about it before tonight.”
“I’m definitely not the best communicator. But I swear I’m trying my best."
I brought his hand to my heart. “Let’s discuss it later, Mitch. I’m totally serious. I have something planned and I don’t want this to come between us tonight.”
“What is it?” Mitch asked sheepishly.
“Well, I know you're busy and probably working. But I wanted to invite you to the ice rink. I was hoping you might be able to get away for a few hours tonight after the show."
Mitch glanced around the hallway. “Fuck.”
“Fuck is right.”
“You’re telling me you want me to clock out early?”
“No,” I said emphatically. “I’m asking you. Which means you can say no, if you like.”
Mitch took a sharp breath. “You know damn well there's not another person on this planet I’d do this for, right?"
I stared into his eyes. ”Is that a yes?"
Mitch groaned. "Yes, Luke. For the first time in my life, I’ll skip work. But I’m not going to make this a habit, okay?”
I burst into laughter. “I'm the luckiest guy in the world."
Mitch barked out a laugh. He opened his mouth to speak; but the last thing I needed was for him to change his mind. And so without a word I grabbed his hand and piled him into my car. In less than 15 minutes, we were at the rink.
"Here," I said when we got inside. My breath fogged out in front of me. I handed him a pair of figure skates. "I asked the woman at the rental place for your size, but they didn't quite have any 9s. These are a 9 1/2, but she said that it's okay if they’re a little tight.”
Mitch’s cheeks flushed red. “Oh my God… The hockey player wants to take the queen figure skating?”
I dropped to one knee and helped him tie the skates. “Yes, my little ice princess. It might be tricky getting used to the front brake, but I promise to hold your delicate arm the entire time.”
Mitch snickered. I finished tying his skates and led him to the rink. As we stepped onto the ice, I pulled out my phone and put on the Blake Sheldon and Gwen Stefani song he'd performed earlier. I pressed play, and soon we were twirling and spinning on the rink.
I held Mitch close as the music died down. "I've got to say,” I whispered, my breath fogging out in front of me like a gentle rain. “You're the sexiest figure-skating referee I've seen in my life."
Mitch giggled. "And you’ve got the strongest fucking arms for a bottom I've felt in my life. Seriously, dude. You should join a hockey team or something."
"I don't mean to get all warm and gushy, but your sense of humor is kind of doing things to my heart."
Mitch blushed. "Is this workaholic finally finding a way into that big ole’ heart of yours?"
I pressed his lips to mine. "More than you could ever know," I whispered, kissing him fiercely. Mitch moaned and threw his arms around my waist, kissing me fiercely.
"I like you so much, Luke. Thank you for tonight."
I shook my head. "It's you I need to thank. You took a big risk, Mitch. Not everyone would be able to just up and leave the job for a guy."
"Oh, believe me. This is a very special occasion. But the truth is I've covered for Shelley more times than I can count. She owes me one. I think I've earned this damn night."
Mitch grinned and slipped his hand on my ass. "This ass is getting torn up tonight," he murmured, burying himself in my chest.
I let my body mold to his touch. "So," I whispered, skating slowly in the light. “Are we like… God, I'm so bad at this. Is this just a date? Are you seeing anyone else? Because we haven’t known each other that long, and we’ve only fucked once… I guess I’m trying to ask if, well… Are we like a thing? Or…"
Mitch giggled and pressed his finger to my lips. "Yes, cutie. We're a thing."
“That is, if you want to be," he added with a shrug.
“Hell yes I want to be. I’ve wanted it since the moment I saw you with a stick up your ass at the Care Center."
Mitch moaned. "But before we totally commit, there's one thing I have to get off my chest."
I scrunched my brow. "What is it?"
Mitch took a deep breath. "I'm… I'm so scared. The last guy I was with, well… Let's just say it didn't end well."
I bit my lip. "You don't have to tell me the details. We can just leave it there.”
Mitch stared into my eyes. “No. I want to tell you everything.”
I nodded and stroked his cheek. “Go on.”
“Let’s just say that I was madly in love with him, and was convinced we’d get married. I was even planning the wedding until I came in one night and found him drinking wine on the couch, crying. He burst into tears and told me he was married to a woman. They had three kids and had been together 10 years.”
“Apparently,” Mitch added perfunctorily, “he wanted to leave them for me.”
Terror gripped me. "What the fuck? I thought shit like that only happened in movies."
Mitch gritted his teeth. "Apparently not. Anyway, I told him I'd be damned if I let a married man fetishize me like that, even if he was actually in love. I quit my job in corporate America and threw myself into the Care Center with everything I had. I couldn't afford to look back."
I let out a soft breath. "That's fucking horrible, Mitch. Nobody should have to go through that."
"It was painful as fuck. But I've been able to help so many damn people ever since. So maybe it was a gift, after all.
I barked out a laugh. "If that makes you feel better, I guess you could look at it that way.” I paused, then added, “I swear you don’t have to worry about me. I pinky promise I’m not married."
Mitch burst into laughter. "Oh thank God. I don't think I could handle that again."
I grinned and kissed him. "So we’re boyfriends?"
Mitch's cheeks flushed red. "Yes. At least until your kids start coming out of the woodwork begging me to be their foster dad. Until that happens, we’re boyfriends ’til the end.”
I rushed forward and slammed his lips into mine. Mitch’s breath hitched as he returned my kiss. His soft lips felt like pillows against mine.
Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking lucky. This is the hottest guy ever.
The next week
Oh Jesus Christ. Let’s just get this over with so I can finally get back to Luke’s arms.
“Alright, everyone,” I said, running my fingers over the puck. “This is our last scrimmage before the big game. It’s right around the corner, and today we really need to bring everything we have. I don’t know about you, but I have shit I need to do that doesn’t involve blowing my whistle at a bunch of sweaty gays in a hockey rink. Let’s hurry up and make this our best practice ever.”
The team laughed. Luke winked at me, letting me know he had my back. With one final grin, I raised the puck and sent it flying to the ice.
Around me, the team members of the Rainbow League burst into action. They flew by like rays of light finally untethered from the sun. I could barely catch my breath. In no time, the scrimmage was in full gear.
I was loving every second of it. And from the corner of my eye, I saw Luke was too.
"Pass me the puck, Stellan!” he shouted, banging his stick on the ice. Stellan whipped around and passed the puck. Luke accepted it with his stick and began hurrying full-force to the other net. Stellan followed suit. The other team’s defensemen could barely keep up. At the last second, Luke and Stellan tricked the goalie and switched places. Luke passed Stellan the puck and Stellan took it all the way to the end.